UGP 247 - Study! Research! Pray! Give Jesus Another Chance – Gayle Beasley – Part 2

Gayle encourages LDS to study and learn—about LDS history, Joseph’s life, and how the Bible contradicts LDS teachings. She tells two profound experiences where she felt God was directing her, just recently, into Christian ministry. To do what? To combat legalism. If you are in Christ, you have a ministry. The LDS church teaches in their Third Article of Faith, “We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by the laws and ordinances of the [LDS] Gospel.” To a Bible-believing Christian, salvation by one’s own works in any measure constitutes legalism and negates salvation by grace. Eventually, Gayle’s entire family left the LDS church—except for one sister. Even her parents gave their lives to the biblical Jesus. Scriptures addressed in this episode: Romans 10:9, John 5:24, and Revelation 12:11.


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