About the Authors

The Unveiling Grace Podcast was born out of the hearts of Joel Groat and Lynn Wilder in 2018. With decades of ministry experiences with followers of the LDS Church and other performance-based religions, Joel and Lynn decided to share the stories of God's love at work in personal and impactful ways in the lives of individuals seeking Him. After 4 years and 200+ episodes, Joel transitioned to another ministry opportunity and Lynn's husband Michael joined the podcast in March of 2023.

Dr. Lynn K. Wilder, retired Professor at Florida Gulf Coast University and once tenured Professor at Brigham Young University, is a former Latter-day Saint now biblical Christian. Because her life has been radically transformed by grace, it is her passion to introduce the many people hurting emotionally and relationally to the God of grace and to share the peace of a grace-filled life.

With a doctorate in education, emphasis in emotional/behavioral disorders, Lynn is a researcher, scholar, journal editor, and author of more than 60 refereed journal publications and 5 books in both her professional field and that of faith. Unveiling Grace (Zondervan, 2013) is her most popular book. Michael (husband) and Lynn founded a Christian ministry (www.unveilingmormonism.com). Featured in Christian publications, videos, and radio, the Wilders frequently travel and speak. The Unveiling Grace Podcast with Joel Groat with IRR.org is truly a heartfelt venture.


Michael Wilder is a husband, father, grandfather, business owner, speaker, and author. Michael was born and raised in a small town in rural Indiana. He completed his Master's in Accounting in 1977 at Ball State University after earning a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics. Michael has worked as an accountant and business owner in the financial field for several decades. He and his wife Lynn have raised three sons and a daughter: Josh, Matt, Micah, and Katie. All four of their children are married. Micah, Matt, and Katie live in Florida with their families, run a Bed and Breakfast in Winter Garden called the Edgewater Hotel, and a Christian ministry, Adam’s Road. Josh, who has a degree in Communications, works and resides with his family in Utah. Michael has  a well-earned reputation for being the comic relief of the family, and loves to spend time with his seven grandchildren while making them laugh.  

Michael was home alone that day when the Mormon missionaries knocked on their door. A rational thinker, Mormonism sounded reasonable to him. Both he and Lynn wanted Jesus and believed they would know him in "the only church with which the Lord was well pleased" as LDS scripture says. Michael and Lynn joined the Mormon Church October 28, 1977 and were immediately active and faithful members. A year after joining, they received their patriarchal blessings and attended the Washington, DC Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Michael received the Melchizedek priesthood in 1978 and was ordained a high priest in 1988.

Michael served in various leadership callings including: Ward Clerk, Gospel Principles and Gospel Doctrine Teacher, Seminary Teacher, Sunday School President, Young Men’s President, Ward Mission Leader, Stake Missionary, Temple Ordinance Worker, Bishopric Councilor, and High Councilor. 

Their son Micah’s born again experience greatly impacted Michael and Lynn. Challenged by Micah, they began to read the New Testament with the eyes of a child. The process Mike calls “breaking the Pharisee” (he being the Pharisee) was painstakingly difficult for him. Lynn’s journey was no less arduous but ended with untold joy in a personal relationship with Jesus. The Word is truly sharper than a two-edged sword. The family story is outlined in the book Unveiling Grace: The Story of How We Found Our Way Out of the Mormon Church. Today, Michael and Lynn are grateful to know the Biblical Jesus and to have come to a saving knowledge of the God of grace. So grateful, in fact, they went into ministry.

Email Michael: michael@unveilingmormonism.com