UGP 245 - Born Again While Reading the Book of Mormon?! Daniel Ortner – Part 3
At the end of the last episode, Daniel delineated what he learned by attending Christian churches and reading the Bible about the changing nature of the LDS God compared to the Invisible God who never changes. He begins this episode by discussing the Holy Spirit. Daniel thought he might never feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in biblical Christian faith, but he was surprised. Some turning points in choosing biblical faith were: 1) being humbled and filled with the Holy Spirit while reading and understanding the book of Galatians, and 2) learning more about Joseph Smith (see the devotional that impacted him by Dr. Jayson Kunzler, BYU-Idaho business management faculty member at Daniel asked himself, "Do I follow Joseph Smith or the Jesus of the Bible?" Oddly, the third thing that changed his heart and mind was 3) reading the Book of Mormon, specifically Alma 5. When everything LDS was swept away, only faith in Christ remained. Daniel was amazed, how was it possible he was closer to God after leaving the LDS Church?! He felt so much joy and peace, gaining a deeper relationship with Jesus when leaving behind all that Joseph had added.
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