UGP 181 - Disenchanted with Atheism and discovering Jesus - Daniel Busey - Part 5
In this final episode, Daniel shares his growing disenchantment with atheism and its lack of integrity and untrustworthiness with the historical facts. As he studies more and also begins attending some Christian churches, he discovers how Christian beliefs and relationships have been misrepresented by his Mormon religion. Brought face to face with the undeniable evidence for Jesus' resurrection and the incredible love and grace God is offering him in Jesus, Daniel decides to accept Jesus with both his head and his heart. The experience with a grace that saves and heals is unlike any he's ever had. See the show notes for Daniel's top picks for books that provide compelling evidence for the existence of God and the resurrection of Jesus.
Recognizing that not all Christians are crazy is one thing but being converted to Jesus and being miraculously changed is something else. ~Daniel
The work of Jesus Christ done on the cross was so powerful that it was sufficient. It was enough. ~Daniel
A lot of your belief is involuntary is based on the data you take in. Be intellectually honest. ~Daniel
Unveiling Grace book: https://irr.org/store/unveiling-grace
Books and movies that Daniel would recommend to a skeptic or person in a faith crisis:
Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible - J. Warner Wallace
Cold Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels - J. Warner Wallace
Fabricating Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels - Craig A. Evans
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus - Michael Licona and Gary R. Habermas
American Gospel: Christ Alone (movie)
American Gospel: Christ Crucified (movie)
Other very helpful books:
Why Does God Allow Evil: Compelling Answers for Life's Toughest Questions - Clay Jones
Miracles Today: The Supernatural Work of God in the Modern World - Craig S. Keener
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth - Gordon D. Fee --This book is not an easy read, but at minimum I'd recommend pages 108-109 (the cautions), 111 (interpreting OT narratives), 136-137 (method of Jesus's teaching), 149 (imperatives as "law"), 156 (types of parables), 160 (parable vs allegory), 175 (the role of the Law in Israel), and 186 (summary of principles as to OT law).
An almost complete list of the books that Daniel read in 2021 is below his testimony on YouTube, at https://youtu.be/dMsvjhMT9iE
Experience a grace that heals. Listen to this episode and all our past episodes, access the show notes, and subscribe to the podcast for free here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/. Grace and peace!