

In our final episode of this series with Sandra Tanner she shares how Utah Lighthouse got its name, and then explains several myths Mormons have been taught about the Bible, priesthood, and salvation that often keep them from considering biblical Christianity. We also share encouraging stories about trusting God to bring fruit from the seeds of truth we plant, and why this may take months and years to come. She also talks briefly about how the Mormon and Christian gospels are different, and how grace as a gift radically transforms our lives from the pressure of performance to the freedom of doing good works that overflow from a heart of gratitude. It's an insightful concluding episode to this delightful series with one of the pioneers in ministry to Mormons, Sandra Tanner.


Sandra Tanner talks candidly in episode 6 about how and why the LDS church is losing credibility with its own members, and some of the signs the Mormon church as a whole is in decline.  Sandra addresses the Hoffman murders, Hans Mattson and the Swedish Rescue, and the impact Mormon of moms not being able to offer the weekly sacrament to their children during Covid. Sandra also talks about where people go after Mormonism, and how divisions and splinter groups have always been a part of LDS history. It's a fascinating, wide-ranging, and insightful conversation that will help anyone looking to better understand their LDS faith or share truth and grace with those in the Mormon religion. 


Jerald and Sandra Tanner became some of the most beloved and despised people ever to research the historical roots of the Mormon religion. In this series of episodes with Sandra (Jerald is now home with Jesus) she shares their story. In episode 5 Sandra shares the wonder of God's grace and provision in expanding the ministry, lawsuits from the LDS church, donated land, and even softening the hearts of unfriendly visitors to their bookstore. 


Jerald and Sandra Tanner became some of the most beloved and despised people ever to research the historical roots of the Mormon religion. In this series of episodes with Sandra (Jerald is now home with Jesus) she shares their story. In this fourth episode she chronicles the rise of Utah Lighthouse Ministry from its humble beginnings as Modern Microfilm, creating mimeographed sheets of LDS source material for doubting family and friends, to eventually printing the epic length volume Mormonism: Shadow or Reality?  Along the way Sandra and Jerald connected with Wes Walters, and were influential in the lives of historians like Dan Vogel, Michael Marquardt, and Brent Metcalf, creating a new wave of Mormon historical research that started a "cold war" of between LDS and non-LDS historians of Mormonism to determine its true origins and how that story should be told. Their faith and trust in Jesus to provide for their family was rewarded time and again with just what they needed to keep moving forward. 


Jerald and Sandra Tanner became some of the most beloved and despised people ever to research the historical roots of the Mormon religion. In this series of episodes with Sandra (Jerald is now home with Jesus) she shares their story. In this third episode she shares the difficult process of letting go of the Book of Mormon, and why it can be so hard for life-long Mormons to do this. In the end they both found freedom and all the truth they needed in the Bible, and a message of grace that changed the whole course of their lives.


Jerald and Sandra Tanner became some of the most beloved and despised people ever to research the historical roots of the Mormon religion. In this series of episodes with Sandra (Jerald is now home with Jesus) she shares their story. In this second episode she speaks candidly and humorously about meeting Jerald, their unusual courtship, the discoveries in Mormon history that convince them both it's not God's church, and how they are both ultimately drawn to faith in Jesus and trusting the Bible. 


Jerald and Sandra Tanner became some of the most beloved and despised people ever to research the historical roots of the Mormon religion. In this series of episodes with Sandra (Jerald is now home with Jesus) she shares their story. In this first episode she speaks candidly and humorously about growing up as a fifth generation Mormon (descended from Brigham Young, and Brigham Young, Jr.), her first encounters with Christianity, and the early questions and issues raised by her own mom, that got her labeled a trouble-maker in seminary and institute. Looking back, even then the God of grace was pursuing her heart and mind, though at the time she was content within her LDS faith. If you know the name "Sandra Tanner" this episode is for you. Then again, if you don't know who she is, all the more reason this episode is for you.


In this final episode, Daniel shares his growing disenchantment with atheism and it's lack of integrity and untrustworthiness with the historical facts. As he studies more and also begins attending some Christian churches, he discovers how Christian beliefs and relationships have been misrepresented by his Mormon religion. Brought face to face with the undeniable evidence for Jesus' resurrection and the incredible love and grace God is offering him in Jesus, Daniel decides to accept Jesus with both his head and his heart. The experience with a grace that saves and heals is unlike any he's ever had. See the show notes for Daniel's top picks for books that provide compelling evidence for the existence of God and the resurrection of Jesus.


Daniel and Edith have hit a crisis in marriage and faith. Daniel can no longer ignore the evidence Edith has shared with him, and his experience as a lawyer has trained him to follow the evidence to the truth - wherever that leads.  The conclusion is undeniable - Mormonism cannot be true. While Edith knows Jesus is real, Daniel takes a deep dive into agnosticism and atheism, which really scares Edith.  But Daniel can't leave Jesus alone and so he reads widely on both sides, ultimately concluding Jesus was a real person and the Gospels are authentic accounts of his life.  But what will this mean for his faith? It's a roller coaster ride for them both and grace is never far away. 


Daniel and Edith get married and live the happy Mormon life, complete with work, kids and a temple marriage. But for Edith, there are certain LDS teachings that don't match her reality. She's living the Mormon commandments but not being blessed. Meanwhile, close friends who are not Mormon live out their faith in Christ by loving others, drink coffee and wine, and are experiencing tremendous blessing in their lives. What gives? Daniel, in the meantime, as a Mormon bishop, is trying to ignore his wife's troubling questions. They both research the issues on the LDS church website and soon conclude much of what they were taught their whole life was a lie. Can grace keep their faith in God intact?


Daniel returns from his LDS mission to find Edith is now a single mother. Disappointed, he leaves her to go to BYU. A while later he returns and asks her to marry him, and she reluctantly agrees. But once engaged, the pain of judgment from the LDS community continues. In part 2, they navigate the pressures and expectations of the Mormon religious system while they look forward to a marriage his parents do not approve of. How and when will grace invade their lives?



Daniel was a bishop and from a multi-generational highly regarded family. Edith, his wife, was a multi-generational Mormon as well, but with a less than stellar past. In this series we hear their stories of how God brought them together, kept them together, and rescued them from the treadmill of performance religion. In part 1, Edith shares candidly and with great vulnerability how devastating it can be to fail within the LDS religious system.


Chip Thompson is a frequent visitor to Israel with his own mini-museum of artifacts from Bible lands. In this episode he shows us a dagger from the time of the Judges, and a nail, spearhead, hammer, and bronze Roman dice all connected to the crucifixion of Jesus. Amazing stuff. We end with a Roman key and talk about what Jesus meant when he told Peter he'd be given the keys to the kingdom and how grace has swung open the gates of heaven to everyone and anyone who has the faith to walk through them. It's an episode that will challenge your mind, encourage your heart, and nourish your soul.


Chip Thompson is a frequent visitor to Israel with his own mini-museum of artifacts from Bible lands. In this episode he talks about the woman in the window, and how archaeology validates the existence of Goliath, a shows us a stone similar to the one that took him down. It's a fun, fascinating, and fast-paced episode that will leave you wanting more.


Chip Thompson is a frequent visitor to Israel with his own mini-museum of artifacts from Bible lands. He talks about and shows some of his favorite pieces (see the show notes for pictures) and explains how pottery, weapons, manuscripts, and money all back up the veracity of the Bible and provide evidence the translations of the Bible we have today are accurate and reliable. It's a fun, fascinating, and fast-paced episode that will leave you wanting more.


Joel and Lynn continue exploring a recent column in the Salt Lake Tribune that suggests 20 changes the Mormon Church should make for the sake of its members. From tithing to mission-shaming to men wrongly assuming the place of Jesus, it all adds up to the same thing - demands for performance will end up negating our need for grace and our dependence on Jesus as our only link to God the Father. In the end, less performance requirements will not fix the Mormon religion. Lynn and Joel weave scripture and stories together that will encourage you to experience a grace that heals.


Joel and Lynn explore a recent column in the Salt Lake Tribune that suggests 20 changes the Mormon Church should make for the sake of its members. However, will less performance requirements actually fix the Mormon religion? Lynn and Joel share scripture and specific reasons why making it easier to be an LDS member is still no substitute for the grace of Jesus. Having fewer rules simply won't fix a broken system that is based on works.



Joel and Lynn share scriptures and a biblical perspective on how to find peace in Jesus and comfort in a God who is both personal and powerful during troubled times like our current Covid pandemic. Lynn contrasts her life now, 14 years after leaving the Mormon religion, with the fear and despair that were so much a part of her life back then. While this is a replay of episode 081 that aired at the beginning of the pandemic, the hope and encouragement we can find in Jesus is just as relevant, and needed today as it was then. Listen in and experience a grace that heals.


In this episode Lynn and Joel talk with Costi Hinn (nephew of Benny Hinn) about his newest book, "More Than a Healer: Not the Jesus You Want But the Jesus You Need." Costi shares why revenge is so attractive, why some people stay with their anger and addictions, and he gets candid about where he is most tempted to turn for comfort (so do Joel and Lynn). They also talk about more parallels between the prosperity gospel and the Mormon religion, and how relationship with Jesus is the key to breaking free from despair, guilt, shame, and loneliness. It's an episode full of hope for the soul and who we need to experience a grace that heals.


Growing up in the Hinn family (Benny Hinn is Costi's uncle) Costi and his family enjoyed lavish affluence. Still, as within most performance-based religious systems, for Costi there were cracks in the dam that eventually led to Jesus breaking into his life with both truth and grace. In this episode Costi outlines core false teachings of the "name it and claim it" gospel and shares what changed in his life when he met the Jesus of the Bible. He also talks about his newest book, "More Than a Healer: Not the Jesus You Want But the Jesus You Need" and why we need a "Jesus awakening." Lots of good stuff here to listen and share.
